Why and when do you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the cadastral value of a property?

When carrying out real estate transactions, you will need to order a document - an extract of the cadastral value of the property from the Unified State Register (USRN). The presence of a document is necessary to calculate the tax on the sale of property, calculate the cost of tax on living space in an apartment, and conduct transactions with land.

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Attention! Changes to the cadastral value (CV) must be made every three years. The deadline is in five years. This is due to the rise in real estate prices. It is advisable not to miss deadlines, since in the absence of a planned revision of the price of the property, it will be impossible to obtain a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the cadastral value.

Valuation of land and residential premises

Provisions have been developed for conducting cadastral valuation and registration of all real estate objects in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. ( Law No. 218 of 2015 came into force on 01/02/2017) The assessment of land and housing occurs according to a similar scheme: depending on the category to which they belong.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the cadastral value of a land plot allows for operations with land, including homestead construction, dacha farming, leasing of reservoirs and agricultural land.

When is a CS extract required?

In addition to the purchase and sale of real estate, the document is required in the following situations:

  1. Submitting documents for subsidies and financial assistance.
  2. Obtaining a bank loan secured by real estate.
  3. During the procedure for dividing property (during divorce).
  4. Entry into inheritance, donation.
  5. For legal entities during commodity-money transactions. If the parties are given credit by the bank, then the property is the guarantor of the return of funds.
  6. At the request of the court, investigative authorities and prosecutor's office.
  7. Submission to government agencies.

The procedure for determining the cadastral value

The procedure for assigning a cadastral value takes time. The procedure includes the following points:

  • stage of concluding an agreement with the customer;
  • selection of an assessment model by the executive body;
  • identification of factors influencing the value of real estate;
  • cost calculation;
  • compilation of a report;
  • examination of reporting documentation;
  • approval of results;
  • entering data into the state cadastre.

If the assessment deadlines are violated, it will be impossible to perform any operations with the apartment or land plot.

Information about the cadastral value in the extract

Since the databases were merged on January 1, 2017 and Rosreestr stopped issuing cadastral documents, general information about real estate is contained in the extract:

  • when the object was registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate - number and date;
  • value at the time of accounting;
  • cadastral number and site plan;
  • cost approval act.

Cadastral information on the property is valid for 10 days, so it must be presented as soon as possible.

Sample document

In this video, the author reviews old and new documents:

Where can I order an extract about the CS?

More than 2 million people have already ordered an extract of information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the cadastral value of an apartment or land plot. This number of requests is related to the purchase and sale of land and apartments.

Services are provided:

  • Internet service “Ktotam”;
  • Rosreestrom;
  • regional executive bodies.

Regional offices of Rosreestr can provide the document within a day, but this depends on the initiative of local authorities. If there are standards for processing a request that allow you to provide an extract throughout the day, then there is such an opportunity. But usually the price for urgency is higher, so it is necessary to clarify the options.

It is possible to request and receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the cadastral value of a property in Rosreestr. It should be noted that government agencies are focused on paper work, since statements are provided in two versions: electronic and paper.

See >> Instructions for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate via the Rosreestr website .

If you need to receive a document within one day, you will have to pay extra. Standard service delivery time is 3 days.

When ordering an extract via the Internet from Rosreestr, the client receives an xml file. This format cannot be opened without a special computer program. A number of additional steps will be required, which will create inconvenience for beginners or older people.

Ordering an extract through “Ktotam” is faster and more reliable

Situations when discharge is necessary are urgent. Sometimes a document is required within one day or even less to resolve matters in your favor. Who is there was created and is successfully operating .

The speed of provision and the price of the document are the most optimal on the market for similar services to the public - individuals and legal entities, private real estate companies, independent agents for the sale of property.

See >> Instructions for ordering an extract on Whotam.pro .

The production time for the statement by the “Ktotam” agency is 1 day. The order takes place online on the website. An invoice for payment arrives when the document is ready. How quickly you can receive a certificate in electronic form depends on the speed of payment for the service. You can pay by credit card in online services, through electronic wallets, through Sberbank using the electronic payment system.

Advantages of ordering through “Ktotam”:

  • 24 hours a day, seven days a week;
  • state duty 250 rubles - the cost does not exceed that established by law;
  • You can order an extract from the Unified State Register of cadastral value from any corner of the country, while the deadlines remain valid - 1 day;
  • all items are included in the statement according to a single database;
  • Affiliate programs for those wishing to post information on websites: “Ktotam” provides passive income to everyone without income restrictions. Partners receive royalties from their clients' orders.
  • convenient HTML format - can be viewed by every PC user;
  • the ability to print a document from your personal account;
  • availability of an electronic signature of the state registrar, which has legal force.

Attention! “Whotam” does not increase the price for urgency.

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